Sunday, April 14, 2013

Assignment 1-4-2

      For this assignment, I chose to analyze social media, which can be defined as a means of communication for certain groups of people that share common interests. Examples of these social medias include magazines such as Cosmo, social networking websites such as Facebook, YouTube, Google +, social blogs such as Tumblr, etc. For the purposes of this assignment, I will be analyzing Facebook.
       In terms of exposure, Facebook is a good advertising tool that businesses use to create awareness about products because nowadays everyone is on Facebook. Although the younger generation uses it more, there is still a diverse market segment for every kind of business.
      In the case of economics, Facebook doesn’t directly cost its users any money, just their time and the cost of internet connection. The company however is able to make money by means of advertising, trading of stock, games on the website, etc.
      Education determines the kind of content posted on Facebook by its users. For example, a high school student will most like use the website to post information about their activities of the day whilst a PhD graduate will most likely use Facebook to share their views on the current economic state, business opportunities, etc.
       Facebook allows its users to publicize their emotions in an acceptable environment where they will receive an immediate response. This satisfies the human need to feel like they are being heard and that someone actually cares about what they are feeling.
      I think the American dream myth best describes the phenomena of Facebook. This myth says that anyone can move up the social ladder no matter what their current social class is through hard work. Facebook was actually started by Mark Zukerberg (a college dropout) along with 4 of his college mates. This is a good example of how hard work can help bring about results that can thrust anyone up the social class system.
      Facebook has become an icon in popular culture ever since its launch in 2004. My views on Facebook hasn't changed, I still admire how the website was created and made popular and after watching the movie “The social network” which tells the story of how it was created, it gives me inspiration to chase after my dreams, after all, Mark is human just like me, and if he can realize his dreams through hard work, then so can I. Personally, I am not on Facebook but I do not have anything against it either.

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